Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Barcelona day 2 - food and sun

An overall perfect day. Good eats, lots of walking, great weather, and tons of sights. Only drawback - no time for a siesta...

Park guell
To the surprise of Oriol and his roommate Blanca, we were up and at ´em again at something like 10 am. After a little breakfast we hiked it up to the northside of town to Park Güell which was designed by Gaudi, one of Spain´s most famous artists/dudes. Unfortunately we seemed to have taken a side route (bc Jeff wouldnt ask for directions) and it took us 2X at long to get there. (edit: actually, I did ask for directions, we just picked a bad place to start) We huffed and puffed all the way to the top, where we encountered the highest point at the park and a crazy man playing guitar and incoherently singing American songs. He also had a hole in his jeans crotch - sorry ladies no pics.

Hiked to La Rambla and the Boqueria again and got some yummy lunch at Romesco, reco-ed b Rex. It was crazy home cooked delicious.

Walked along the port to the beach and relaxed on the sand, also stopped by a hole-in-the-wall bar for some tapas and cava wine!

La Familia Sagrada
An awesome church also by Gaudi that is eternally under construction.


Dinner was again stupendous, another reco from rex. We got to pick all our own seafood and how it was cooked! Super fresh and super delicious!!

So another food hitlist:

-giant jamon sandwich and cafe con leche for breakfast

-fish and porkchop with rice in Catalan red sauce at Romescos

-yum flan at Romescos

-awesome sausage with roquefort cheese tapa sandwich at Champagne bar

-Squid, shrimp, mussels, mystery shellish and salad for dinner

-chocolate croissant and cafe con leche to close the evening

Miss everyone tons,
Jackie and Jeff


  1. Looks like you're having an awesome time! Your food recaps are making me hungry!

    We enjoyed Ciudad Condal (18 Rambla Catalunya, near the Passeig de Gracia subway stop) when we were in Barcelona. We went twice actually...b/c it was right by our hotel. Yummy tapas!

  2. I am so extremely jealous! and you finally started blogging again!
