Monday, April 26, 2010

Luggage Retrieved and Barcelona

After our first good night´s rest we woke up bright and early and hiked it BACK to the airport to (1) get our luggage and (2) catch a flight to Barcelona

We got to the airport RIGHT in time after Sunday´s ATL-MAD flight landed. After trucking it to International arrivals, Jackie and I asked where lost luggage was supposed to go and they all kept pointing at the door guarded by those dudes that you walk by when you "have nothing to declare". After some deliberation, we just walked straight thru them and started hunting- Jeff to the luggage desk, Jackie to scour the baggage claims. Jackie found a couple poor souls still waiting for baggage and a man wheeling her "lost" bag away! Meanwhile, she noticed my suitcase stuck on the "loop of death", doomed to circle on the conveyor for eternity. After some paperwork we were back in posession of our luggage finally!!

Next, we camped out like nomads/hobos in the airport lobby, unpacking our re-accquired bags and repacking some day bags for Barcelona! The rest of the trip was rather uneventful. No significant delays, no lost luggage (like we were going to risk checking it), nothing - we arrived right on time. After a long bus and metro ride, we got to our gracious host Oriol´s house ready to have fun!

On a side note, I lost my track jacket and ipod somewhere along the way. Not certain if I was just being stupid or if it got swiped, but anyway - don´t want to talk about it.

(Rex- i feel your pain with typing on Spanish keyboard, crazy, cannot find symbols anywhere and pressing ç a lot instead of ENTER)

Oriol (who has an afternoon radio show in Barcelona!) drove us to Las Ramblas, a beautiful series of streets filled with pedestrians, shopping, and other awesome diversions. We walked all the way down to the Columbus monument + port development.

Today´s food hit list:
-more jamon sandwiches (both iberian and regular jamon at the airport), super yummy
-strawberry and pistachio gelato (shout out to my Italy crew)
-Some crispy spanish pastry with chocolateç
-Paella and Tapas on Las Ramblas
-cheated with a small snack at KFC
-fresh coconut pineapple juice at Boqueria - a sweet farmer´s market

Tomorrow will be part Art mostly food gourging. Stay tuned...

-Jeff and Jackie

Updated with pics:


  1. Yes the ç key is a killer!

    Glad to know things are well in bcn-

    And just so you know i had to jump through about 10 hoops before they let me post a comment! Damn americans and their rules... They wont even let you drive drunk!!!! ;)

  2. did you eat the belgian waffel at KFC?

    cuz me too, how can you resist!
